Solderless setup with all required wiring available here.
Our Sea Smoke P90 in a humbucker sized package.
This pickup set was designed from customer demand!
Having seen the number of requests and the outstanding feedback from this pickup set, it seems silly not to make it an official set.
We've had many customers approaching me asking for a vintage styled P90 set that could be found all over the 1950s-1970s. It had to be clean, articulate, mellow and have just enough output to kick a valve amp into beautiful overdrive when pushed, but not any more, so that headroom is preserved.
Starting from the Murky Horizon neck pickup, Which was already in the ballpark of what we set out to achieve here, we had a head start. As clean and low gain work are (presumably) the primary uses for this set, the Murky Horizon neck could be a bit 'spiky' at either end of the EQ spectrum, which is great for clarity, but when you're playing clean and want a singing sustain reminiscent of the good old days, it just won't cut it. It's loaded it with alnico 2 magnets to smooth off the rough edges.
The Murky Horizon bridge is miles away from what this pickup set was made to recreate, so that design was tossed to one side. A new bridge build was in order. A vintage wind was created, a touch hotter than the neck to balance, but no more than was necessary to retain all the vintage goodness. To curb off a little bit of the excessive highs of the vintage wind, and to provide the singing sustain to match the neck, alnico 2 magnets were used once more.
Specs (neck/bridge):
Resistance: 7.5k/8k
Magnets: 2x alnico 2/2x alnico 2
Baseplate: Nickel silver
Output wire: Braided single conductor
Spacing: 50mm/52mm
Wax potted
Supplied with mounting screws